If left untreated, dental problems can lead to larger systemic issues in your pet due to oral bacteria entering the blood stream and damaging the kidneys, heart and liver. In fact, it is estimated that more than 80% of dogs and 70% of cats develop tooth and gum disease by the age of three years.
It can be helpful for you to recognize the signs of dental problems in your pet. These might include:
- Bad breath (an earlier indicator of dental disease)
- A yellowish-brown crust of plaque near the gum line
- Red and swollen gums
- Pain or bleeding when eating or touched
- Decreased appetite or difficulty eating
- Loose or missing teeth
Our doctors perform a thorough dental exam as part of your pet’s annual wellness evaluation. Should we find a problem, we will discuss your options for the care of your pet’s teeth and gums.
We can recommend periodic dental cleanings dependent upon your dog’s and cat’s individual oral health. We can also perform extractions to address dental abnormalities or dental trauma in younger pets, and to treat periodontal disease in more advanced ages.
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today.