The Animal Clinic of East Avenue is a fully functional animal hospital, supporting two dedicated surgical rooms to facilitate routine and advanced surgical procedures on most any companion animal species.
Multiple surgical suites allow us to accommodate longer advanced procedures with more routine laceration repairs and tumor removals simultaneously. Both surgical suites are specially lighted, can be completely isolated from traffic to maximize sterility, and feature multiple advanced monitor systems so we can keep a close assessment of your pet’s status throughout their surgical procedure.
All pets undergoing anesthesia are monitored closely with EKG, Pulse oximetry, Capnograph, blood pressure monitor, and most importantly, one or or more dedicated Certified Veterinary Technicians at all times.
Advanced pain control methods are common practice for your pets fast and comfortable recovery to include routine use of the newest anesthesia drug protocol with Constant-Rate-Infusions (CRI) of opoids, local blocks, epidurals, immediate cold and heat therapy.
Surgical procedures are performed daily by both our staff veterinarians, and by Dr. Kathy Collins, ACVS.